You provide materials for construction projects.

Your business needs to have the staff, suppliers, buildings, equipment, delivery service and collection point to enable continuity of supply.


Your customers rely on you to provide the products they need to complete the construction projects they are currently working on.

They use your company because they appreciate the service you offer -whether it's personal touch, the suitability of what you offer, or both.


Swiftguard allows you to provide your customers with site protection products. This improves the service you offer and increases your sales revenue.


You either stock a range of Swiftguard protection products or allow your customer to order from the Swiftguard product range for direct delivery or both.

View the product range now

Your customer is able to complete their construction project with an improved timescale and to a higher standard of work.

Find out who Swiftguard are

The construction industry is looking for more than just any old site protection. They are looking for a site protection brand that shows they a serious about what they do.

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